

哲学家休谟(David Hume, 1711- 1776 )有一句流传广泛的名言“理性是激情的奴隶”。衍生而来的休谟动机理论(Humean Theory Motivation),围绕情感、理性、行为三者之间的关系而展开。休谟的理论是超越时代的,情感作为这个体系中的核心,为当代人指明了行为的驱动,也指出了理性的无力。


“理性是激情的奴隶”原文出自休谟在26岁时写就出版的《人性论》(A Treatise of Human Nature):“理性是且只应当是激情的奴隶,并且除了服从激情和为激情服务之外,不能扮演其他角色。”(Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them.)

信使 Messager ,2022

55 x 60 cm

Oil on cotton

愚人 The Fool , 2022

120 x 150 cm

Oil on cotton

禁果 The forbidden fruit , 2021

100 x 90 cm

Oil on cotton

日出 Sunrise ,2021

120 x 120 cm

Oil on cotton

执取之光双联2 Grasping the light 2 , 2021

120 x 120 cm

Oil on cotton

在所在之处凝视双联1 Stare where you are Diptych 1 ,2021

52 x 65 cm

Oil on cotton

在所在之处凝视双联2 Stare where you are Diptych 2 , 2021

52 x 65 cm

Oil on cotton

低吟 Whisper ,2022

49 x 65 cm

Oil on cotton

她来自黑夜 She came from the night,2022

187 x 200 cm

Oil on cotton

红色蜜桃2 Red Peach2 , 2021

127 x 150 cm

Oil on cotton

Sweet ,2022

60 x 55 cm

Oil on cotton

红丝绒 Red Velvet ,2021

100 x 100 cm

Oil on cotton